Checklist for Chronic Pain Management

Chronic pain is a condition where the pain persists for more than 6 months. We can imagine, if an acute pain due to injury can be discomforting, how unpleasant it must be to be in pain for months and sometimes years together.

Chronic pain can be the result of irreversible damage due to injury or chronic illness such as arthritis, back spasms, cervical spondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and numerous more reasons.

Since most of ailments do the damage that are irreversible, we can only manage pain caused by it. There are multiple ways to manage the pain, so that one can lead an active, normal life.


Here are 5 things you can do at home for effective pain management.

1. Exercise

It has been evident, that resting or being inactive for very long time can make the movements more painful. Hence, it is advised to have regular walks. You can simply, set reminder to take strolls, stretching of hands, fingers and neck movements to improve the blood circulation and to avoid severe strain on the muscles later. Yoga is one of the preferred ways to stimulate and relax the muscle tensions. Vitamin D can be obtained from the sun in the morning before 12 pm. It is advised to take strolls between 8 am – 10 am.

There are specific exercises and postures to be maintained for every ailment prescribed by professionals, make sure you follow them as a ritual to manage the pain effectively.

Make sure, you always relax and stretch after movements.

2. Diet

It is vital, to have nutritious meals to strengthen your bones and muscles. Vitamin D3 , glucosamine and fish oil supplements can be included. Make sure you add fresh fruits and vegetables in diet. Keep yourself hydrated; lack of water can cause muscle spasms as well. You can also consider including protein enriched food items. However, even small changes in diet require personalized care, we recommend you consult dieticians or doctors before making any changes in the diet.

3. Know you’re the hero and villain

We do innumerable activities, and we eat multiple food items in a day. It is essential to be more aware of what is triggering the pain, what is making you feel better and what does not even let the pain arise. There are multiple articles and blogs that can broadly specify the dos and don’ts to manage. But let’s not forget, everyone’s experiences are unique hence, it is likely that the triggers and relaxants can be different for each individual. It makes it even more important to develop self-awareness of who is the hero and who is villain in the war between pain and you.

4. Mental health check

There are multiple studies that show, people with chronic pain tend to develop anxiety and depression. Suffering from severe pain constantly can train our minds to be more paranoid about small injuries or acute pain even for us or for others around us. Due to sudden and extreme painful episodes, you have to cancel the plans, or the condition can cause embarrassments resulting in depression.

Hence, it is very important to speak to pain professionals and/or mental health professionals to remind yourself that you are not defined by your condition.

5. Sleep

Sleep is the body’s natural charge. While you are asleep, your body tends to heal itself. Which is why we feel better when we wake up next day. Hence, it is very essential to get a proper, good night’s sleep. But it seems unrealistic to have a deep and refreshing sleep when you are tossing and turning due to pain, throughout the night. You might even wake up with intense pain and it can be very difficult to find a therapist in the middle of the night or whenever you need a pain management session the most.


That is when TANYX - a pain management device comes handy, Tanyx uses the same principle as physiotherapy, without the need of similar supervision. It focuses on the area of pain and stops the path of the nerve fibers that travel to brain to increase the pain. Instead, it helps in the release of endorphins, body’s natural painkillers, and brings down the sensation of pain. Also, unlike most other pain management solutions, Tanyx can be used anytime and anywhere and can even be used while going through our normal workday.


In a nutshell, Tanyx and other pain management devices like Oska can help you relax the pain instantly, but you must use an holistic approach to manage pain in the long run. In other words, you must be strict with your diet, avoid the triggers and exercise and relax like ritual to enjoy an overall better quality of life.