Collection: Epidural Anaesthesia Products

Epidural Anaesthesia Products

Anaesthesia is an artificially induced insensitivity to pain induced by the administration of injections or gases known as anesthetics. The choice of anaesthesia depends upon:

1.The type of surgical procedure

2.The duration of surgical procedure

3.The physiological status of patient undergoing the surgical procedure

4.Any particular requirement during the surgery

5.Presence of any coexisting diseases
Epidural anaesthesia involves administration of anesthetics in the epidural space between dura mater and the periosteum lining the vertebral canal. The analgesia is produced by blocking of conduction at the intradural spinal nerve roots. The use of the epidural anaesthesia technique is indicated for cases involving an unpredictable duration, chronic pain control, obstetric procedures, vascular reconstruction of lower limbs, amputation, thoracic trauma and an extended post-operative anaesthesia.

Types of Epidural Anesthesia Products
The modern epidural anaesthesia procedure usually uses several medical instruments and devices.

1.Epidural catheter
Epidural Catheter is placed through the skin into the epidural space to make administration of medication possible

2.Epidural filter
Epidural filter prevent contamination and introduction of bolus into epidural space

3.Catheter adaptor
Catheter Adaptor is used to attach catheter to tubing

4.Loss of resistance (LOR) syringe.
These are low friction syringe used to locate epidural space with high success rate

5.Standard Tuohy needle
This hollow hypodermic needle is utilized to insert epidural catheter

6.Blunt tip needle
These needle minimize tissue damage

7.Crawford needle
This epidural needle is quipped with a short blunt level

8.Weiss winged needle
This is a modified touhy needle with fixed wing

Smart Medical Buyer provides the best prices online for products used in epidural anaesthesia due to superior sourcing. Smart Medical Buyer’s range of epidural anesthesia products includes those from trusted brands like Romsons and Advanced Lifesciences (ALSPL) . The easy search and ordering process and quick turnaround ensure a smooth and seamless experience for our customers. Smart Medical Buyer’s product portfolio of epidural anesthesia products includes epidural and spinal kits, epidural catheters and epidural needles. All these products are regulated in India and are available for sale on SMB only to registered medical practitioners and healthcare establishments on the completion of the KYC process.

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