Collection: Electrosurgery Grounding Pad

Electrosurgery Grounding Pads

Electrosurgery is a medical procedure to cut, coagulate, desiccate or fulgurate biological tissue with the application of electric current. The electric current is of high frequency and alternating polarity. Electrosurgery is often used to mitigate bleeding. A generator is used to convert the 60 cycle current to over 300,000 cycles per minute as the 60 cycles per minute current causes nerve stimulation and electrocution. Tissue response to electric current can be one of the following:

Desiccation – The cells are slowly dried out and the blood vessels are thrombosed

Fulguration – The surface is charred due to arcing or sparking of the energy above the tissue. The effect is more coagulatory in nature

Cutting – The cellular explosion caused due to cellular fluid vaporization result in scalpel like dissection

Technique of Delivery

There are two circuits of delivery – monopolar and bipolar


Monopolar is a mono-terminal electrosurgery technique where tissue effects occur at a single electrode. The dispersion occurs by the patient return electrode


Bipolar is a bi-terminal electrosurgical technique where electrosurgical process takes place between paired electrodes and no patient return electrode is required

Electrosurgery pads are in contact with the skin and effectively disperse current for better thermal performance. Electrosurgery pads may be equipped with safety rings.

Buy electrosurgery grounding pads at the best prices online in India on Smart Medical Buyer

Smart Medical Buyer provides the best prices online for electrosurgery grounding pads due to superior sourcing. Smart Medical Buyer’s range of electrosurgery grounding pads includes those from trusted brands like 3M, Advanced Lifesciences (ALSPL) and Winglobe. The easy search and ordering process and quick turnaround ensure a smooth and seamless experience. This product is available for sale only for registered medical practitioners and healthcare establishments. You may be required to furnish KYC details in order to purchase this product from SMB.

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